HMS De Rue Surdeval
Ship details
Spar Gun Deck
Lore and Provisions
Ancient Flask Of Mim
Bell of Routh_"Rou Bell"
Sea Chest and Personal Effects
Tools of the Trade
Cannon and equipment
Admiral Knaut
Clark Islands
HMS De Rue Surdeval
HMS De Rue Surdeval

This is the cover to the HMS De Rue Surdeval book. The book dimension: 7” x 7”

Ship details
Ship details
Spar Gun Deck
Spar Gun Deck
Lore and Provisions
Lore and Provisions
Ancient Flask Of Mim
Ancient Flask Of Mim
Bell of Routh_"Rou Bell"
Bell of Routh_"Rou Bell"
Sea Chest and Personal Effects
Sea Chest and Personal Effects
Tools of the Trade
Tools of the Trade
Cannon and equipment
Cannon and equipment
Admiral Knaut
Admiral Knaut
Clark Islands
Clark Islands

Admiral Knaut’s personal map. The Admiral is searching for an area named the Atomic Clock…